.title PopupTarget Class .synonyms PopupTarget .definition A description and an example of the PopupTarget class. .contents .para A PopupTarget is an unconstrained shape defined by an outline. When touched by the mouse cursor, the shape pops up. The body includes an argument list and an initialization function. The argument list specifies the the X, Y of the translation vector, the expansion ratio, and the raster image for the popup. The initialization function defines /ItemPath, the stencil of the target, as a NeWS function that creates a path. It can also define /HoleColor, the color of the hole left when the target pops up. HoleColor, which is a NeWS color object, defalts to 25% gray. .para Today all the information is in a PostScript form but we will later develop additional classes easier to author, and authoring tools to create objects interactively. .para Turn the page to see an example of how to use a PopupTarget! .page .save-margins .bottom-margin -999 .font Times-Roman 18 Target file miscellaneous.bunny.tn0: .nl .rect 20 230 .target file-view-scroller miscellaneous.bunny.tn0 .rect 500 230 .target file-view miscellaneous.bunny.tn0 .nl .font Times-Roman 18 In storyboard file example.st0: .nl .font Screen 14 .spaces 8 .quote .picture miscellaneous .nl .spaces 8 .quote .target miscellaneous.bunny .nl .spaces 16 nowhere .nl .picture miscellaneous .target miscellaneous.bunny nowhere .restore-margins