.title MenuTarget Class .synonyms MenuTarget .definition A description and an example of the MenuTarget class. .contents .para A MenuTarget is a target that pops up a menu when you click it with the right mouse button. .para Today all the information is in a PostScript form but we will later develop additional classes easier to author. .para Turn the page to see an example of how to use a MenuTarget! .page .save-margins .bottom-margin -999 .font Times-Roman 18 Target file tree-menu.tn0: .nl .rect 20 140 .target file-view-scroller tree-menu.tn0 .rect 500 140 .target file-view tree-menu.tn0 .nl Target file days-menu.tn0: .nl .rect 20 140 .target file-view-scroller days-menu.tn0 .rect 500 140 .target file-view days-menu.tn0 .nl .font Times-Roman 18 In storyboard file example.st0: .nl .font Screen 14 .spaces 8 .quote .font Helvetica-Bold 24 .nl .spaces 8 Tree .quote .target tree-menu .nl .spaces 21 nowhere .nl .spaces 8 .quote .picture earth .nl .spaces 8 .quote .target days-menu .nl .spaces 16 nowhere .nl .nl .font Times-Roman 18 Click the right mouse button on these menu buttons: .nl .font Helvetica-Bold 24 Tree .target tree-menu nowhere .picture earth .target days-menu nowhere .restore-margins