.title NeWS Operators, by Type .synonyms type type, type. .definition This article lists all the current NeWS operators, by type. .contents .font Times-Bold 20 .button-font Helvetica 14 Canvas Operators: .save-margins .left-margin 40 .nl .~ buildimage~ .sp .sp .~ canvastobottom~ .sp .sp .~ canvastotop~ .sp .sp .~ clipcanvas~ .sp .sp .~ clipcanvaspath~ .sp .sp .~ createdevice~ .sp .sp .~ createoverlay~ .sp .sp .~ currentcanvas~ .sp .sp .~ eoclipcanvas~ .sp .sp .~ eoreshapecanvas~ .sp .sp .~ eowritecanvas~ .sp .sp .~ eowritescreen~ .sp .sp .~ getcanvaslocation~ .sp .sp .~ imagecanvas~ .sp .sp .~ imagemaskcanvas~ .sp .sp .~ insertcanvasabove~ .sp .sp .~ insertcanvasbelow~ .sp .sp .~ movecanvas~ .sp .sp .~ newcanvas~ .sp .sp .~ readcanvas~ .sp .sp .~ reshapecanvas~ .sp .sp .~ setcanvas~ .sp .sp .~ writecanvas~ .sp .sp .~ writescreen~ .sp .sp .restore-margins .nl .nl Event Operators: .save-margins .left-margin 40 .nl .~ awaitevent~ .sp .sp .~ blockinputqueue~ .sp .sp .~ countinputqueue~ .sp .sp .~ createevent~ .sp .sp .~ expressinterest~ .sp .sp .~ geteventlogger~ .sp .sp .~ getmousetranslation~ .sp .sp .~ lasteventtime~ .sp .sp .~ recallevent~ .sp .sp .~ redistributeevent~ .sp .sp .~ revokeinterest~ .sp .sp .~ sendevent~ .sp .sp .~ unblockinputqueue~ .sp .sp .restore-margins .nl .nl Mathematical Operators: .save-margins .left-margin 40 .nl .~ arccos~ .sp .sp .~ arcsin~ .sp .sp .~ arctan~ .sp .sp .~ max~ .sp .sp .~ min~ .sp .sp .~ random~ .sp .sp .restore-margins .nl .nl Process Operators: .save-margins .left-margin 40 .nl .~ breakpoint~ .sp .sp .~ continueprocess~ .sp .sp .~ createmonitor~ .sp .sp .~ currentprocess~ .sp .sp .~ fork~ .sp .sp .~ forkunix~ .sp .sp .~ killprocess~ .sp .sp .~ killprocessgroup~ .sp .sp .~ monitor~ .sp .sp .~ monitorlocked~ .sp .sp .~ newprocessgroup~ .sp .sp .~ pause~ .sp .sp .~ seteventlogger~ .sp .sp .~ suspendprocess~ .sp .sp .~ waitprocess~ .sp .sp .restore-margins .nl .nl Path Operators: .save-margins .left-margin 40 .nl .~ copyarea~ .sp .sp .~ currentpath~ .sp .sp .~ damagepath~ .sp .sp .~ emptypath~ .sp .sp .~ eocopyarea~ .sp .sp .~ eocurrentpath~ .sp .sp .~ extenddamage~ .sp .sp .~ eoextenddamage~ .sp .sp .~ pointinpath~ .sp .sp .~ setpath~ .sp .sp .restore-margins .nl .nl File Operators: .save-margins .left-margin 40 .nl .~ acceptconnection~ .sp .sp .~ file~ .sp .sp .~ getsocketlocaladdress~ .sp .sp .~ getsocketpeername~ .sp .sp .~ tagprint~ .sp .sp .~ typedprint~ .sp .sp .restore-margins .nl .nl Color Operators: .save-margins .left-margin 40 .nl .~ contrastswithcurrent~ .sp .sp .~ currentcolor~ .sp .sp .~ hsbcolor~ .sp .sp .~ rgbcolor~ .sp .sp .~ setcolor~ .sp .sp .restore-margins .nl .nl Keyboard and Mouse Operators: .save-margins .left-margin 40 .nl .~ currentcursorlocation~ .sp .sp .~ getkeyboardtranslation~ .sp .sp .~ getmousetranslation~ .sp .sp .~ keyboardtype~ .sp .sp .~ setkeyboardtranslation~ .sp .sp .~ setmousetranslation~ .sp .sp .~ startkeyboardandmouse~ .sp .sp .restore-margins .nl .nl Cursor Operators: .save-margins .left-margin 40 .nl .~ currentcursorlocation~ .sp .sp .~ getcanvascursor~ .sp .sp .~ setcanvascursor~ .sp .sp .~ setcursorlocation~ .sp .sp .restore-margins .nl .nl Miscellaneous Operators: .save-margins .left-margin 40 .nl .~ currentautobind~ .sp .sp .~ currentlinequality~ .sp .sp .~ currentprintermatch~ .sp .sp .~ currentrasteropcode~ .sp .sp .~ currentstate~ .sp .sp .~ currenttime~ .sp .sp .~ dumpsys~ .sp .sp .~ enumeratefontdicts~ .sp .sp .~ errored~ .sp .sp .~ getenv~ .sp .sp .~ localhostname~ .sp .sp .~ pathforallvec~ .sp .sp .~ putenv~ .sp .sp .~ setautobind~ .sp .sp .~ setlinequality~ .sp .sp .~ setprintermatch~ .sp .sp .~ setrasteropcode~ .sp .sp .~ setstate~ .sp .sp .~ undef~ .sp .sp .restore-margins