To:,,, Subject: Text selection in NeMACS. --text follows this line-- Hi! I'm working on Emacs this summer at Unipress. It now supports menus, and text selection, with rubber banding in the server. It works, and is much fun to use, but I have a few questions about getting it RIGHT! When you initiate a selection by clicking with the mouse, emacs replies with an array of the line widths in the current window, and the row of the window's top line. Some code I stole from nterm rubber bands an outline around the text as you drag around the window. I modified it to show that a line's trailing newlines was selected by drawing the right edge with an arc or a slant. The feedback is capable of showing if the newline selected or not, but I'm still trying to figure out an easier way of drag-selecting a trailing newline than moving the mouse to the beginning of the next line. It's got to work naturally with Emacs's ideas of the cursor being between two characters, and the way dragging the dot around with the mouse works. I tried out a few ideas and they were all disconcerting. Like going to the beginning of the next line if you're more than one character past the end of the line. The thing that seems to be most natural is to select leading newlines when cutting and pasting text around. But that's often not what I want when stuffing text into a shell window. How about supporting both leading and a trailing newline flavors of selection? (newline gravity? depending on if you're dragging up or down?) I was just playing around with psterm and discovered the way the extend button toggles whether the newline was selected or not. I'll have to try that out to see how it feels in emacs. I'm also having to translate nl's into cr's when stuffing text into emacs, or else the text gets indented way out to the right out the window into the middle of Raritan Ave. Stuffing mlisp into a buffer in elec-mlisp-mode is downright dangerous. Maybe stuff should be doing its stuff at a different level than that of keystrokes. I want to make it use the request model instead of the buffer model that it's now using. When you select something (by dragging over it with the left button, or extending by shift-clicking the left button), it wraps the region around the text, and sends it to NeWS, making it the primary selection. I'm not sure if it's more obnoxious for the user to invoke "make the region the primary selection" separatly, or to do it every time. With the request model, do I want to save the selected region away in another buffer, or return the "live" region? How fuzzy a distinction should there be between the primary selection and the region? (Should the naive user have to know about it?) i.e. when you move into and around in a window, should the primary selection become that window's region, or is that taking it a bit too far? Also, I want to make a psh interface that allows me to select PostScript objects, grab them into Emacs buffers as text, edit that, and stuff them back, either making changes to or replacing the object. Any advice on how to use LiteUI to do this? What can I do to make it work with the way NeWS/X handles selection? Other stuff we're working on include a menu compiler, which compiles nested menus described as linked info nodes into PostScript code and MLisp key bindings. (Menu keys are assigned keystroke sequences, with keytop names that identify them, which are bound to MLisp functions. Menu keys can invoke submenus or do anything else you want, too.) So you can make menus without touching PS or MLisp! The menus all run in the server, so you can type into the emacs underneath while you're in the middle of completing a menu selection. I changed getmenuaction to execute executable keywords, to support indirect submenu references, and magic functions that decide the submenu or menu action. There's a pie menu of text and fill colors to change, with distance controling the brightness. (Feedback in the menu center.) If you're on a color framebuffer, a hue(direction)/saturation(distance) color wheel pops up once you've selected the brightness. There's also a set of style(direction)/point(distance) font menus based on a new class of pie menu that has an array of Things per key, like a cycle item per menu key, controled by distance. As you move around the menu, the selected Thing of the selected slice is displayed in the menu center. The font menus have Things like "[(24 point) /Helvetica findfont 24 scalefont]", etc... I made a class of window that has thin borders, and a little handle sticking out the top right with its FrameLabel -- you can have a bunch of them overlapping, and their names all stick out to the right, where you can click on them to bring them to the top or get a frame menu. They work really well with multiple emacs frames! Thanks for all the neat toys! -Don